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CHO Airport: Up, Up, and Away!

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Big things are happening at CHO Airport. Our terminal improvement project is nearing its completion and our passengers are now able to take advantage of many of the new amenities being offered. These upgrades include things like new-and-improved restroom facilities, nursing lounges for mothers, a new retail shop, plus a new restaurant and bar area – with even more on the way in 2016! All of these improvements are being made with the travel experience of the passengers in mind. And in 2015, more passengers than ever before started enjoying these new features, as CHO Airport had its highest passenger traffic number of all time!

1027-Night-CHONearly 550,000 (549,521 to be specific) arrivals and departures were recorded in 2015, which not only surpassed the previous record for passenger traffic achieved just the year before, but it also became the first time CHO Airport has ever served more than half a million passengers in one single year.  2015 also marked the third consecutive year of record-setting passenger traffic at CHO Airport! But the good news continues…

Digging a little bit deeper, CHO Airport has seen a whopping 63% increase in passenger traffic since 2008. That means that 211,584 more passengers were served at CHO Airport in 2015 versus 2008. With numbers like that, it should come as no surprise that CHO Airport serves as a major economic engine for this region, contributing more than $128 million in economic activity – and it does all of this without one single penny coming from local tax dollars. With higher numbers of passengers flying in and out, that economic impact will only continue to increase.

Of course, none of this would possible without you, the passenger. So all of us here at CHO Airport want to thank you for supporting and flying with your local airport, as we continue to go up, up, and away! We look forward to seeing all that 2016 has in store and we can’t wait for you to come along for the ride. Go CHO!

CHO Airport: The Big Dig!

Friday, January 29th, 2016

Some people called it Snowzilla. Some people called it Winter Storm Jonas. Some people just called it a lot of snow. Regardless of what name you bestowed upon it, there’s no denying the fact that central Virginia just received a tremendous dumping of snow. CHO Airport was not spared from this wintry assault from Mother Nature, which included nearly 19” of snow, whipping winds, and bone-chilling temperatures. The airlines halted service at CHO Airport beginning Friday morning and didn’t resume until early Sunday afternoon. Even though there were no planes taking off or landing at the airport during the storm, the airport was far from quiet during that time frame. In fact, it was buzzing with activity! Our snow removal team was hard at work digging, plowing, and scraping the runway, taxiway, stairs, sidewalks, parking lots, and nearly every other surface you can imagine to get operations back up and running as quickly as possible – and it’s no easy feat!DSC_0486

It takes an entire team of people working around the clock to remove these mammoth amounts of snow from CHO Airport. This dedicated team was out there in the elements, braving the cold and snow so airport operations could resume shortly after the last flake fell. And when you’re talking about removing a foot and a half of snow from a runway that measures 6,800 feet in length, it requires some BIG pieces of machinery!

Snow plows equipped with 22-foot blades were out in full force, along with front-end loaders, and snowblowers capable of whisking snow off of critical airport surfaces. To take care of parking areas, steps, and sidewalks, the equipment is a bit scaled down in size, but the end result is the same – to remove the snow as quickly as possible to get the airport back up and running!DSC_0204

Thanks to the herculean efforts of this dedicated staff of workers, CHO Airport resumed commercial air service on Sunday and the terminal slowly started coming back to life as passengers began filtering back through the doors. While snowstorms may be an inevitable part of winter in Charlottesville, know that you can always count on the team here at CHO Airport to make fast work of the snow to get you up in the air and off to your destination! DSC_0566On the bright side, it does make for some great photo opportunities. Those snow-covered mountains in the distance sure do look beautiful! But if snow just isn’t your thing, don’t fret – spring is only about 6 weeks away!

Snow at CHO Airport

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

You’ve probably heard the news by now. Central Virginia is buckling up for what could be a snowstorm of mammoth proportions in the Friday – Saturday time frame. And while snow isn’t uncommon in this area, especially in the middle of January, snowfall totals that top one foot from a single storm are a bit unusual. This storm has the potential to do just that, while simultaneously creating travel conditions that are less than ideal (to say the least). So what does this mean for operations at CHO Airport? plow

CHO Airport has a dedicated and hard-working snow removal team that does its best to keep the runway clear, in addition to all walkways, stairways, and parking lots on the airport property. Heavy-duty plows, snow blowers, and even good old-fashioned shovels are out working around the clock to aid in the removal of any wintry precipitation. But as the flakes continue to pile up and the winds begin to whip, what happens to flights that are scheduled to land and take off at CHO Airport?

Plow & PlaneThe best advice is to remain in contact with your airline. The airlines ultimately make the decision of whether or not to cancel flights, so communication with your respective airline is critical to keeping you in the know. The last thing anybody wants is to be stuck at the airport for an extended period of time, so staying in contact with your airline can help keep you apprised of the latest flight information. All three of the airlines providing service for CHO Airport have issued travel alerts in advance of the storm to allow for flights to be rescheduled. Also keep in mind that this storm could have far-reaching impacts up and down the east coast, so be sure to follow the weather conditions in your connecting city. The weather in those connecting cities can have a ripple effect of delays and cancellations at other airports around the country.

Here’s a list of contact information for the airlines that provide service to CHO Airport:

Delta Air Lines:
Twitter: @DeltaAssist
Phone: 1-800-221-1212
Delta Air Lines Travel Alert

United Airlines:
Twitter: @united
Phone: 1-800-864-8331
United Airlines Travel Alert

American Airlines:
Twitter: @AmericanAir
Phone: 1-800-433-7300
American Airlines Travel Alert

For weather updates in Charlottesville and central Virginia:

National Weather Service Forecast

As with any weather situation, the worst only lasts but so long and operations generally begin returning to normal once the flakes stop falling and the sunshine returns. For us, that is expected to happen sometime late Saturday, or into Sunday. To all those traveling, stay connected, stay informed, and stay safe. With these tips, you will be able to weather the storm and although it may be inconvenient at times, you will be best equipped to handle whatever Mother Nature throws your way.